3 Bulk Plastic Containers You Don’t Want to Overlook

It’s no secret that bulk plastic containers are some of the most popular storage and display fixtures for a variety of businesses. They’re durable and versatile, and lend themselves to nearly every kind of “décor” or display. However, in some instances, it makes container bestellen more sense to use one kind of plastic container over another. Below are three bulk plastic containers you don’t want to overlook as you’re planning your next display.1. Plastic Fish Bowl ContainersIt’s probably pretty obvious that their versatility makes plastic containers the kinds of containers you don’t want to overlook; however, the reason fish bowl containers are listed as containers you don’t want to overlook – and not, say, square plastic containers or just plastic containers in general – is their EXTRA versatility. Like every other kind of plastic container, fish bowl containers are excellent fixtures for both displaying and storing merchandise and other store-related items or tools. They’re available in a wide variety of sizes, which makes it easy for you to use plastic fish bowl containers to:

  • Create candy displays.
  • Showcase small, non-edible merchandise like children’s toys such as bouncy balls.
  • Store items like staples, paperclips, price tags, hooks, and other store-related or display-related tools.

However, plastic fish bowl containers take things a step further. They allow businesses such as restaurants and taverns to use them not only as display and storage tools, but also as serving tools. Many restaurants, taverns, and other establishments that sell drinks use fish bowl containers to offer drink promotions and to serve special mixed drinks to groups of customers!2. Stackable Plastic ContainersBecause they’re great space savers, stackable plastic containers are excellent choices for store owners who need to make the most of the display space they have. These kinds of containers are designed to sit flush beside one another and stack one on top of another, which allows you to squeeze as much “display” as possible into one space.You can use stackable plastic containers to:

  • Create countertop displays.
  • Create displays using addition display fixtures like convenience store racks.

Keep in mind that stackable containers offer variety, too; you can find them in both oblong and hexagon shapes.3. Hand Grip Plastic ContainersWhile hand grip plastic containers are useful for every kind of business, they’re especially helpful for business’s that sell products customers need to pour in order to access. Consider these ideas:

  • Hotels, motels, restaurants, cafeterias, and other establishments that sell food products can use these containers to display and store foods that customers need to pour, such as dry cereals.


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